Thursday, November 19, 2015

KC3 Essay Final Draft

Permanent Homeless Visitors Final Draft

          People all over the world come to Hawai'i because Hawai'i is a paradise. But now less people are coming to Hawai'i because the problem of homeless in Hawai'i. Homeless people from mainland come to Hawai'i to be homeless because the homeless in the mainland don't like the cold weather so they save up money to Hawai'i because Hawai'i is always sunny. The homeless from the mainland making the homeless population in Hawai'i go up more. Since the Homeless are coming from the mainland they live on the streets where the tourist like to go like Ala Moana Mall, Waikiki, China Town, Kapiolani park, paki park, and Kalakaua Ave. Homeless is a problem in Hawai'i because people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless which makes the homeless population go up.

            Hawai'i has one of the worst rate of homeless people. They have 7,260 homeless in Hawai'i since latest count. Hawai'i saw a 23 percent increase of homeless people between 2014-2015. The homeless are everywhere so the tourist don't want to come back to Hawai'i because the homeless are making the the state is bad. Also a 46 percent of unsheltered families. Homeless is a problem in Hawai'i because people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless which makes the homeless population go up.

             How is Hawai'i going to solve this problem of the homeless people. Brain Schatz is starting a program called "Housing First" which makes the homeless have houses to live so we can keep the homeless off the streets. The Hawai'i Institute of Human Service is letting the homeless have affordable housing that the homeless can pay off. Also the government has a Sit-lie ban which is that the homeless can't sit or lie down on the benches.Homeless is a problem in Hawai'i because people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless which makes the homeless population go up.

              The homeless people is affecting the government in Hawai'i because the government has to waste  so much money on them so the homeless people can get off the streets. there are going to be more homeless in Hawai'i because houses cost to much for people to pay so hey move to another state or become homeless. Hawai'i counts on turist because they spend a lot of money in Hawai'i but the tourist might not want to come back because of the homeless population in Hawai'i. Homeless is a problem in Hawai'i because people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless which makes the homeless population go up.

            The homeless population is going to decrease because the government of Hawai'i has a solution to fix the population of homeless people. Governor Ige said that they should kick the homeless people out of the state. Won't let homeless people from the mainland come here to be homeless. The government is building 4,500 houses for the homeless which is goof for 4,700 individuals homeless people.Homeless is a problem in Hawai'i because people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless which makes the homeless population go up.\

             Homelessness is a huge problem in Hawaii because the homeless from the mainland come her to be homeless making the homeless population go up. Having the worst rate of homelessness, and affecting the government of Hawai"i. But they also have solution like building houses for them, having affordable housing, sit-lie ban, kicking out the homeless people from the state, and not letting the homeless people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless and making the homeless population go up. Homeless is a problem in Hawai'i because people from the mainland come to Hawai'i to become homeless which makes the homeless population go up.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Special Place Final Draft

                  Pounding the basketball down a concrete court where i can be myself. The basketball court as always been a 2nd home for me since I was little because I always get my stressed out. I remember the day that I got stressed that I couldn't keep myself down until my dad brought me to the basketball court and he told me a story when he was younger and he used to come to basketball court. After he told me his story he left me alone for 5 mins and after that 5 mins I was so calm.

            The basketball court is a special place to me because I can get all my stress out and I can always be myself. It will always be a special place because my dad and I share a bon going to the basketball court was we stressed. The basketball court is like a 2nd home to me because I go there mostly day when ever I'm stressed or just want to get better.

          Whether it be raining, 100 degrees, night, or morning i would go visit my 2nd home because it is where i keep my stress out. I will always love the basketball court since it was i got calm ever since i was little. Now its just a 2nd home for me since I'm getting older and older. When i was little i din't really care about the basketball court but now it means a lot to me.

           Some people special place maybe their room, they own roof, the mall, or their favorite hangout. But mines special place isn't a place it is a special home for me. It has always been a home since i grew up and it will never leave me as it being my special place. The basketball court will always be my home to me and it is very important to me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Picture in Paragraphs

New Years

We arrive at the beach during the morning sun rise. Jumping out of the car racing towards the shiny water. The beach packed with people, making it difficult to find a spot to set place. With siblings and parents having a good time. The sounds of other families conversing and laughing with each other start to become louder as more people start to come. The smell of steak and ribs cooking on the grill fills the air as we wait to eat it. The day starts off great but gets boring as hours pass by. The sound of the youngest sibling whines wanting to go home. 

As the sun goes down, playing with the family by the shore. The water begins to decrease in temperature, and the kids are shivering from the cold water. Parents calling their children to settle down and sit along with their close relatives. Patiently waiting for the clock to strike twelve with people counting down the amount of time left. When the clock strikes twelve everyone yells "Happy New Year!" to each other as they're hugging people around them. Fireworks shooting up to the sky exploding with a big BOOM with a colorful pop. Few more fireworks continue to explode in the air as everyone enjoys each other.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Special Place Draft

      Becoming a NBA basketball was always a goal for me since I was 3 years old. Growing up with 2 parents, 2 sisters, and 1 brother it was a sport family, everyone was playing a sport including me. My two sister playing soccer or volleyball, my brother and I playing basketball and my mom and dad being our cheerleaders and coaches.

      I first got introduced to basketball when i was watching t.v with my dad and brother. We saw a dominate basketball player playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers wearing number 23, as I was justing watching him dunk and carrying his team to a win. Then I ask my dad who was that good player and he replied yelling "LeBron James" and i said i want to be like him and he said "be yourself not like someone else".

     As i was getting older my dad used to take me to the basketball court every weekend to help me improve my skills and i would feel like the basketball court is my home cause i would always go there to be myself and work on my basketball skills. The basketball court i can always be myself because everyone is different.

      Basketball court is a special place for me it is what i love and what is my favorite thing to do to keep me calm with stress. It is a special place because i can be myself and no one can judge me. It has always been a 2nd home since i was little and one day maybe kids will see me play on t.v and they would want to get better at basketball.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Special Place

When I open that door i was at Oracle Arena, Home of the Golden State Warriors. I choose this place because it is a basketball court and when ever i am at a basketball court it keeps me calm. I can get all my stress out because when i am on the basketball court i only concentrate  on basketball. I choose Oracle Arena because it is where i watch my role model Stephen Curry play and it is a NBA Arena . It is a special place because when i see that i am at Oracle Arena it means that i want to train hard and be great so I can be in the NBA. Also it is a special place to me because i grew up playing basketball and i love the game. Believe That!.

Monday, August 31, 2015

CNN News Chunky Paragraph

Weight Cutting

When your talents for hand-to-hand combat put food on the table and shelter overhead, the sight of your own blood usually isn’t enough to make a memory. Jim Miller remembers this particular sighting, though, because he hadn’t fought in months. In combat sports like MMA , wrestling and boxing, weight cutting is as common as heavy bags and ankle tape. The practice entails losing large amounts of weight, mostly through deliberately and aggressively dehydrating oneself, over the course of about a week. Because weight cutting shares a risk-impact chart with brain injuries and performance-enhancing drugs, it usually assumes a backseat in the safety discourse. But weight cutting is every bit as dangerous as the better-documented risks that combat sports present.

Direct Quote: "Jim Miller remember this particular sighting, though, because he hadn't fought in months" (Sentence 2)

Summary: People who are doing combat sport are having trouble with weight cutting. Weight cutting shares a risk with brain injuries and intensify  drugs.(Sentence 5)

Paraphrase: Combat sport like MMA are cutting down weight like ankle tape. Practice are losing large amount of weight because it is dehydrating. (Sentence 3 & 4)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Word From the Heart Final Draft

            "Omps" yells my dad as he needs help with something or want something. Thats my special name that my dad gave me. But not every person in my family get called by their special name by their parents. But mostly when my dad needs my help he would call me "Omps" because we both have the same first name. 

                  The word Omps is a word that my dad came up after my aunty was watching a Korean drama show. It all start when I was 1 years old my family and I went to my grandma house for a cookout. My Aunty and I was watching a Korean drama show when my dad walk in. Then my Aunty saw a little boy name Ompyon show she yelled to my dad with laughter "Aye Ray that little boy looks like Rocky". so my dad called me Omps because it was short for the little boy Ompyon. My dad always give everyone in the family nickname because that how he likes to call people by their name.

               When I was little i never knew what "Omps" was or where it came from since i was little. So i thought that was my name because he would always call me that name but everyone else in the family cause me "Rocky". I really didn't care the word "Omps" to me because i was so little but now since I'm older the word "Omps" means a lot to me.  Sometimes when i was little he would spell the word like O -M -P - S then say "Omps" and i would feel so embarrassed  but since I'm older i don't feel embarrassed because it a special nickname from my dad because my dad means a lot to me.

                The words "Omps" is important to me because my dad gave it to me and i love my dad so much with the things we do and all the things he does for me. It is also extreme important to me because everyone else in the family has a nickname that is close to their name but mines is something that my dad came up. As my dad and I do more things we like i love that he gave me the word "Omps" because it is very important to him and to me.

         To this day and more days later on i will never forget the word "Omps" because it will stay in my heart util I die because it was a word that me and my dad shared together. Even though he barely called me "Omps" now i think when ever he calls me "Rocky" i will always think he call me "Omps". 


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Word From the Heart Rough Draft


        The word "OMPS" was used since i was 1 years old from my dad. As i got older i got used to my dad gave me that word because he gives everyone in the family nicknames. No one in the family cause me OMPS except my daddy.

        "OMPS" as my daddy always called me. "OMPS" is a Korean word that my dad gave me because my Aunty was watching a Korean drama show and she saw a little boy name Ompyon. My aunty yelled "Aye that looks like Rocky" so my daddy called me "OMPS". Every time at home he calls me "OMPS" when he needs me to do something. Also he spells it sometimes just for fun.

           When I was still young he always used to say OMPS but i didn't know who he was calling so i just thought that was my name because he always just said it when he needs me to help him.

           As I get older my dad usually calls me OMPS but if he doesn't he just calls me Rocky. But since he always used to call me OMPS i thought it was part of my name. But at every party my cousins or other relatives me me Rocky but my dad will sometimes says OMPS. Not even my mom, sisters, or brother calls me OMPS only my dad so that makes me special. 

          One day when my dad and I was going to the gym i ask him how did I get the word  OMPS mean and he said "when you were young Aunty Cesa was watching a Korean Drama show and there was a little buy name Ompyon so she said that looks like me". So my dad gave me the OMPS for short of Ompyon. So since he calls me OMPS i feel special because he gives everyone a nickname that matches my name but my nickname doesn't match my name it was from a Korean Drama show that my Aunty watches.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

My First Post

First Assignment

                  Hi my name is Rocky Ramones and I made a blog that is called "Am I Write?". I put as my title "Am I Write?" because our class had to have something that has write or writing in it. My Background in my Blog is a picture of 5 Kobe 9 because I love shoes and collecting shoes.

              The world come from is frustrating because there are so many up and downs i go though life. Literally I can't stand my family for being so annoying to me but we all know that we love each other even though we say some mean things. Whether I am collecting shoes, playing basketball with friends or club team, watching WWE with my family. We still have are ups and down in life. And I still have a big dream or goal to become a NBA (National Basketball Association) player or a WWE superstar. But even though I might not be able to become one those thing as I want to be i will keep on trying because I always remember to thing that "I can do all thing".