The basketball court is a special place to me because I can get all my stress out and I can always be myself. It will always be a special place because my dad and I share a bon going to the basketball court was we stressed. The basketball court is like a 2nd home to me because I go there mostly day when ever I'm stressed or just want to get better.
Whether it be raining, 100 degrees, night, or morning i would go visit my 2nd home because it is where i keep my stress out. I will always love the basketball court since it was i got calm ever since i was little. Now its just a 2nd home for me since I'm getting older and older. When i was little i din't really care about the basketball court but now it means a lot to me.
Some people special place maybe their room, they own roof, the mall, or their favorite hangout. But mines special place isn't a place it is a special home for me. It has always been a home since i grew up and it will never leave me as it being my special place. The basketball court will always be my home to me and it is very important to me.