Friday, December 2, 2016

College Essay Final

Tufts University

“What makes you happy?”

Things that make me happy is basketball, collecting shoes, hanging out with my friends. These things are hobbies that make me happy but the thing that makes me happy the the most is my family. My family makes me happy because no matter what I will always glad to be with them. Even if we fight a lot we will always have a good time with each other because we know that we still love each other. My family will always make me happy because just being with them will make me happy and I can appreciate them because in the future we might not see each other. Also why my family makes me happy because they will always support you and be proud of me no matter if I had the worst basketball game ever they will still be cheering and supporting me.

Basketball makes me happy because I will always have a good time playing, weather it is with friends, club, or school I am always joyful playing basketball. I got introduced to basketball really late because I played football and soccer but when I first touched the basketball I fell in love with the game and I knew that I wanted to play basketball instead of the other sports I played. The first game I had I remember we lost and I cried and my dad tells me that it is ok, you have another game later and lost that one and cried. I knew that I wanted to play basketball because even though it is just a game, I will always take every lost to heart. The most important reason why basketball makes me happy is because my dad played basketball so he is my coach and I want to go to a college and play basketball because my dad couldn’t play in college because he got hurt so I want to get better at basketball to play for a college so I can make my dad happy and it will make me happy because I will know that I worked hard to atleast get to play basketball weather it is D1 or D2 because I can make my family proud by getting this far and living my dad's dream though my accomplishment.

Also what makes me happy is collecting shoes because when i get older I want to have a huge collection of sneakers like DJ Khaled or Perfect Pair. Collecting shoes was just something that I fell in love with because every shoes that I collected and wore on the basketball court or not on the basketball court I wanted to look swaggy with my shoes and make people want to just look at my shoes and make want them. I have a small amount of a collection right now but I want to get more shoes and even the shoes that are very exclusive and very expensive because shoes in these days are hyped like Jordan's, Yeezy, and other shoes, and I am like a hype beast because I just want the shoes that everyone wants.  

Another thing that makes me happy is hanging out with my friends. Hanging out with my friends makes me happy because I will always have a good time with them no matter what we do because we all something in common and we do things what all of us like to do. Most of my friends that I have all play sports so we so most of the things that we do are related to sports even if it is video games or playing outside.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

College Essay

Tufts University

“What makes you happy?”

            There is a lot of things that make me happy like basketball, collecting shoes, hanging out with friends but the thing that makes me happy the most is my family. I am always happy with my family no matter if we argue because we all love each other and we always there for someone no matter what. 

          My family makes me happy because we will always have a good time even if we don't for out or just stay at home we will always have a good time. As i said before basketball makes me happy because when I was young I fell in love with the game and I tried other sports but I never enjoyed the other sports. Basketball makes me happy because happy because I have a passion for it even if I have my ups and down with it, basketball will always make me happy because I want to go to the pros. Collecting shoes is something that makes me happy because the shoes I get are mostly are for basketball and it is just something that I sticked with since I was in middle school. It makes me happy because I know that sneakers is very hyped now and I just want to collect more because it is fun and it makes me happy. 

        Also hanging out with m friends makes me happy because just like my family my friends and I always have a good time together because we know what we all like and what we like to do. Also we will never have a bad time with each other because we will always have something to do like playing sports, video games, or going to the beach or pool we will always have a good time. 

       All of these things will make me happy because no matter what I will always have a good time with it because it is fun to do or be with and it will always make me happy even if I had bad day these things will always cheer me up.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It has a 86.4% acceptance rate and close to home. It has a good basketball team and they play Hawaii so my parents can watch me when I play Hawaii. It is close to Vegas so when I get 21 I can go casino. It is sponsored by Nike so I cant get all the Nike Gear.

Utah State
Utah State has a 97.4% of acceptance rate and Utah is in on the West side. It is close to home and it has hot weather. Also it is sponsored by Nike and the basketball is alright and you need a 2.5 GPA to get in.  Utah State is a nice campus.

Nevada University has a 84% acceptance rate and it is on the West Side. Also it is a nice campus and can go Vegas when 21. The basketball team is in the same conference as Hawaii and they are sponsored by Nike.  Need a 3.0 GPA to get in.

Oregon University has a 74% acceptance rate and it is on the West side. It is sponsored by Nike and the founder of Nike went to Oregon and has a Nike store where i can work. The basketball is good and the campus looks really nice.

Arizona State
ASU has a 60.9% acceptance rate and it is on the Westside. The campus looks nice and they are sponsored by Nike. The basketball is ok and the need a 3.0 GPA to get in. It has hot weather and they are the PAC 12 which is one of the best conference.

Villanova University

“What sets your heart on fire?”
Founded in 1842, this private university is the oldest Catholic university in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It was named for Saint Thomas of Villanova, but we’d advise against answering in any way that may suggest he sets your heart ablaze. That’s just …awkward.

University of Virginia

“To tweet or not to tweet?”
“What’s your favorite word and why?”
“Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are.”
Located in Charlottesville, VA, this public university was conceived and designed by U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. We cannot help but wonder, which side of the “tweet” or “not to tweet” spectrum do you think he’d land?

Texas Christian University

“Take a blank sheet of paper. Do with this page what you wish. Your only limitations are the boundaries of this page. You don’t have to submit anything, but we hope you will use your imagination.”
This optional “assignment” from the university, located in Forth Worth, TX, must leave a blank stare on students faces all the time. Who else wonders what types of submissions (and how many paper airplanes) they get?

Monday, October 31, 2016

Coming Of Age Final

As I’m am getting out of my dad’s car, walking to the gym ready to play my game. I was hyped to play against this team and thinking that I was going to do good like the past games that I played. I was thinking right when I saw the team I was challenging that my team and I was going to beat them so bad and I was going to have a better game than the ones I had in the past. When I went inside the gym I see my teammates and I told it is going to be a easy win.

Right when I step on the court, shaking the others team and hand fisting the refs I was ready to play and blow the other team out. On the tip off my teammate tip it to me and I dribbled the ball and right when I was by the defender I lost the ball and I thought it was going to be okay because it was just one. But then the next trip down the court when I went to pass to my teammate and the person who defended my teammate stole the ball and scored. I was feeling a little frustrated because it was 2 turnovers right when the game just started but then I was bringing the ball down I drove aggressive to the basket and shot the ball and it went off the backboard really hard but then I keep on missing and whenever I drove in the other team would foul me. I was complaining to the ref that he fouled me and the ref didn’t care about it so i got more frustrated about it because the ref wouldn’t call any fouls for me, I was turning over the ball a lot, and my shots weren’t going in. Then when Second half came I did the same things as the first half.

Getting more frustrated as the game was going until the scoreboard hit double zero and saw the score, we lost by 15 points. Walking to the bench, crying as I pick up my stuff and walk out the gym. Driving home my dad is talking to me about the game and asking me why are you crying?. As I responded crying “ I did so terrible”
And then he said don’t worry about that game because you have good games and you have bad games but when you have bad games you know that you need to improve to always have good games. I took what he said to heart and then the next day after I woke up, I went straight outside to grab a basketball and a tennis ball and started to dribble the basketball and throw up the tennis ball and did this for 30 minutes. After that I woke up my dad and told him to bring me to the gym. When we went to the gym we did drills that improve my shooting, dribbling, and getting contact when driving to the basketball. The next game I had I did good with 14 points and less than 3 turnovers.

As I grew older I was coming of age because I was determined about basketball because when I had a bad game I took it to heart to get better so I never have a bad game. But even though I have a bad or a good game I am always determined to get better at basketball so I can get to the next level. I am more determined about basketball because I want to atleast get into a D1 or D2 college with a scholarship for basketball and after that maybe go NBA or overseas to play. I will always have determination so I can get better and basketball and the others things I do in life.   

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Abstract 3 people story

When the game hit 0:00 in the 4th quarter and seeing the other team winning the championship instead of my team winning. I was furious when it happen because my team and I was up the whole game until the 4th quarter when the other team caught up and started to get the lead. In the 4th quarter I was so frustrated with my teammates because they started to give the game away by turning over the ball and will not give me the ball. Looking at my teammates looking all sad because we lost the championship game but it was all they fault.Picture
PictureCruising down the street with my friend, an old lady struggling with grocery so my friend and I help her bring it to her room and she was being thankful for helping. Bringing the grocery to his room she grab a gun out of her bag and pointed the gun and me and my friend with her ugly smile with her eye closed like she sleeping. Then she starts laughing and tells my friend and I that she is just playing around and so gave my friend and I $100 each.

Pulling up to the drive way with my dad, my sisters and my mom crying their eyes out seeing their dad coming home from his long mission with the army. Running towards him with enormous smiles while he was running to them too. Hugging for a long time being so overjoyed that our dad can stay with us forever.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Coming Of Age Draft

As I’m am getting out of my dad’s car, walking to the gym ready to play my game. I was hyped to play against this team and thinking that I was going to do good like the past games that I played. I was thinking right when I saw the team I was challenging that my team and I was going to beat them so bad and I was going to have a better game than the ones I had in the past. When I went inside the gym I see my teammates and I told it is going to be a easy win.

Right when I step on the court, shaking the others team and hand fisting the refs I was ready to play and blow the other team out. On the tip off my teammate tip it to me and I dribbled the ball and right when I was by the defender I lost the ball and I thought it was going to be okay because it was just one. But then the next trip down the court when I went to pass to my teammate and the person who defended my teammate stole the ball and scored. I was feeling a little frustrated because it was 2 turnovers right when the game just started but then I was bringing the ball down I drove aggressive to the basket and shot the ball and it went off the backboard really hard but then I keep on missing and whenever I drove in the other team would foul me. I was complaining to the ref that he fouled me and the ref didn’t care about it so i got more frustrated about it because the ref wouldn’t call any fouls for me, I was turning over the ball a lot, and my shots weren’t going in.

When second half started I thought I was going to be better but that didn’t happen it was the same as the first half turning over the ball and shots not going in. When the game was over I was crying and all mad because I did bad and we lost. Going home I was still crying about how I did and my dad talking to me and saying good that you are crying because that means you have a passion for basketball.  After what he said when we got home I was thinking about the game and I could not sleep that night. The next day I went straight to the park and started to practice my dribbling and shooting and even though the days I never go to the park I still practice my dribbling and shooting even though I didn't have a basketball hoop. I knew I was determined about basketball because the next day I had that bad game I wanted to get better and what I could improve on. The next game we had I don't even look at the other team or talk to any of my teammates, I was just focused on what I had to do this game for my team and I to win. With that game I scored with 14 points with less that 4 turnovers and a win for my team and I.

That game that I did bad in is the most important game I had because it showed me that I was determined to get better even though I had a bad or a good game I would still need to go to practice so I could improve my dribbling and shooting so I could be a good dribbler like the pros and a good shooter like a pro. Now every game I have I scored at least 10 points or more but I still not satisfied with that because if I want to go to the next level for basketball I have to score over 20 points.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

Complaint Letter Redo

98130 Kalke Place
Aiea, Hawaii, 96701
September 21, 2016

Mcdonald's Restaurant
99-115 Aiea Heights Drive
Aiea, HI 96701

Dear Mcdonald's Administration,

I and my family have been eating mcdonalds sometimes every month. Your great prices, fast service, and good food make us want to comeback more sometimes.

However, i had a problem lately with your food. 2 months ago i went to your restaurant in Aiea to have your delicious triple cheese burger that I saw on the Mcdonalds commercial. When I went to our Mcdonald's i saw the Triple Cheeseburger that i shows on the menu that comes with the Mcpick 2. When it came to order the register was very nice and ask me what i wanted and i told the Triple Cheeseburger and then when i got the food i sat down at the table with my family, I opened the box with the Triple Cheeseburger and it looked different to me then when i saw it on the television commercial. So I felt like this was a waste of money because it looks different from the television commercial and I felt like there are just trying to make people want to eat at your restaurant because you make the food look so good on television but it reality it doesn't look the same. Many restaurants don’t do this to there customers, for example Wendy's and Jack in the box make the food look like the ones that the people see on television. They make sure they get what the customers really want to eat instead of giving them food that doesn’t look like the food on television.

I think you should start doing is to make the food like the ones that the people see on television so they can get what they paid for instead of thinking that it was a waste of money on food that looks different from television.

Rocky Ramones

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Risky Business Final

1.5 million kids every year feel like their world is falling apart after their parents divorce. The kids feels a great loss also sad, angry, and anxiety and they also feel guilty because they feel like they caused the divorce. Divorce is an big issue on the teens because after the divorce the teen starts to do differents things since their parents are divorced. Whenever a teen parents get divorced the teen becomes very angry at themselves which make them become very violent, have social adjustment, and have a change in academic performance.

While teens feel aggressive when their parents get divorce it could be a good life lesson to them. It would be good because “Kids can learn from their parents that some problems can't be fixed, and that peaceful disengagement is an alternative to remaining mired in conflict and chaos”(Alterman). “Kids of divorce achieve their education and career goals and have the ability to build close relationships." It was also reported that as many as 42 percent of young adults whose parents have divorced "received higher wellbeing scores as compared to young adults from non-divorced families”(Alterman).

Divorce is something that 1.5 million kids go through a year but, some of them will get angry at themselves which will make them aggressive since their parents divorced. For this reason many teenagers will blame themselves for their parents behaviour because it is emotionally easier to deal with.  It is common for teens  to formulate beliefs about how their behaviour is the reason their parents are divorcing. These beliefs can result in teens being angry at themselves. While being angry at themselves the teen is also likely to be very compliant and extra helpful to one or both parents as a means of trying to make up for the mess they believe they have created.

Divorce is a big deal to teens because out of the 1.5 million kids of the world go through divorce every year and most of them get a social adjustment after their parent divorce. After a teens parents get divorce they will start hanging out with different friends and stay out late with friends. They will also start giving attitude to their parents and will start doing drugs with friends and doing other stuff.

When a divorce comes a teen will feel aggressive because they think it's all their fault so they will start doing aggressive things on other people. In school will play a big role when a teen parents get divorce because they will start giving big attitude to the teacher and start missing school. They also will start not doing the work and get bad grades. Which will make the school that they go to go lower in academic and it will seem like that school is bad.

In conclusion whenever a teens parents get divoreced the teens will feel aggressive. But it could also be a good thing because it could make them have good choice in the future and could be a life lesson. Anyways divorce will cause aggression which is bad because it will lead to them being violent, having social adjustment, and have  academic problem. That's why I think aggression is bad when it come to a divorce to a teen.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Risky Business Essay

Aggression  plays a big part in a divorce. Whether it is a teen, kid, or adult they all get aggressive or feel aggressive whenever they get divorced or their parents get divorced. Whenever a teen parents get divorced the teen becomes very angry at themselves which make them very violent to themselves and others. They start doing drugs, doing bad in school, and take out anger on other people or siblings.

Sometimes when a teens parents get divorced they don’t get aggressive and violent because they are probably living and caring for their own lives and preparing for their future. They could also be working a lot at their jobs so they can start doing good during the future. Also they wouldn't be with their parents all the time because they would be hanging out with friends a lot or doing after school activities.

Although some teens don’t get aggressive, most of the teens will get aggressive and violent and they will start by hanging out with other friends and do drugs. From it said that when a teens parents get divorced the teens will have a higher rate of doing drugs and alcohol addiction. Also from it stated “Children who use drugs and abuse alcohol are more likely to come from family backgrounds characterized by parental conflict and parental rejection. Because divorce increases these factors, it increases the likelihood that children will abuse alcohol and begin using drugs. Adolescents whose parents recently divorced are found to abuse drugs and alcohol much more often than do adolescents whose parents divorced during their early childhood. When they are compared with children whose parents are still married, the difference grows even greater.  Comparing all family structures, drug use in children is lowest in the intact married family”.

Whenever teens get violent or aggressive they don't on take it out on other people or sibling they also take it out on teacher and school work. From it stated that after a teens parents get divorced they start doing “Failure to respond when addressed Refusal to cooperate with teachers at school, Refusal to do home work, Deliberate lateness, Refusal to keep order in the home or in bedroom, Provocation of siblings, Unwillingness to be sensitive to others”. Also from it said that the teens “have higher school drop out rates” and “Decreased academic performance including more disruptive behavior at school, loss of interest in school work, or truancy”.

Aggression has a good or bad to it in a divorce. The good is that the teens don’t care about it because they are living and caring about their own lives. But the is also a bad thing about it because the teens get violent, do drugs, and do bad in school. That’s why aggression is bad whenever it becomes to a divorce with a teens parent.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Creating Own Society

Rocky Ramones & Javon Monico

Name: Kinghammah Nation

Logo: Is a Hammer with a Crown

Operate: Everybody gets $5,000 dollars a month with there job, high tech, cars: Batmobile, Rocky and Javon stay looking young forever

Laws: no littering, no racism, drugs only for medical usage, amendment 1, catholic, married, 4 kids, mate with whoever we want, click it or ticket, no sex traffic,

Break the law we your jaw!

5 things that are allowed: everybody has to wear jordans, free education, sports, military, respect everyone

5 Things not allowed: Abortion, Gays, Guns, Smoking, Bad hygiene, homeless

Rank: Only Rocky and Javon the highest rank

Live in a 2 story house with an elevator and a pool in there 50 yard backyard
Wear: Get to wear anything but the footwear has to be jordans

This Society is called Kinghammah Nation ruled by Rocky and Javon. Our society is where everyone is happy, everyone has money, everyone has batmobiles as there cars, everyone is treated fair. No one is poor or rich everybody has the same amount of money, nobody litters, no racism, have respect for everybody. We allow our people to have jordans, a free education, have to play a sport, and a military. The things that we don't allow is gays, Guns, abortion, smoking, Click it or ticket, and sex trafficking. If you break these laws I will break your jaws.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Merchant Of Venice Essay Final Draft

       Good people with good relationship are built on trust. Without any trust there would be no such thing called a relationship. Trust is very important to everyone body because people want to trust other people that they can keep it and never give it up. Our society is brought by trust because trust is the major key that brings people together in this world. In the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, Shylock who is one of the character in the book want to get even with a merchant named Antonio because Antonio didn't pay back his loan to Shylock. "The Merchant Of Venice" by Shakespeare teaches the readers that trust is really important to people.

          In the play religion is something very huge in Venice because everyone in Venice religion is christian but Shylock is a jewish man so the people in Venice don't like him. Bassaino and Shylock were making a deal with three thousand ducats and has too pay him back in 3 months. Bassaino tells Shylock that "For which, as I said, Antonio will stand guarantor"(1.2.5). Shylock tells Antonio that "If he should fail to pay, what would I gain by insisting on the forfeit? A pound of human flesh, taken from a man, is not so salable, or profitable, as a flesh of mutton, beef, or goats"(1.3.160-165). For example when ever i have money and my friends always asked if they could have it, I give it to them because I trust them that they will pay me back. As a result, trust is very important to people.

         More in the play the trust between the character in the book started to fall apart. In Act 3 Bassaino who a character in the book who made the deal with Shylock and that he wanted to impress this girl name who Portia who is a rich girl, Bassaino picked the right casket that if you pick the right casket the picture with Portia then you can marry her. But Portia doesn't trust him so she gives Bassaino a ring and tells Bassaino that "Should be part with it, or give it away, it will signify the end of your love and be my reason of denouncing you"(3.2.170). But Portia who dressed up as man and asked Bassaino for the ring but Bassaino said "this ring was given to me by my wife. When she put it on, she made me promise that I would never sell, or give, or lose it"(4.1.435). But then Antonio told Bassaino to give the ring to the man because Antonio told Bassaino "let him have the ring! Weigh his worthiness and my love against your wife's commandment"(4.1.445).

      In a result to the whole play, it shows that trust is very important to people and it is not given. It is hard to trust a person with a good reputation like Antonio if he had more reputation, people would trust him no matter the religion or believes. But the hard word to trust makes a great relationship between 2 people even if it has to be dressed as a man to see if that person too see that they got your trust. That's why trust is really important to people.

The Merchant Of Venice Rough Draft

Some people in this world will have second thoughts about others people by what people say about that other  person can ruined their trust. Other people people will trust a person but will hear rumors and so they can't trust them no more. "The Merchant Of Venice" by Shakespeare tells the readers that decision by by others can break another person trust. 

People in the world now days will have too think over time before trusting someone with there things. In the book, Shylock who is a Jewish man who loves money but everyone in Venice don't like him because the people in Venice are christians and they don't like Jewish people. Also people wouldn't trust him by what other people say about him Venice. But a name Antonio who is a merchant in venice trusted Shylock to make a deal because Antonio wanted to help out his friend.

People in the world now days ill trust a person but then will hear rumors about them and they won't truest them ever again. In the book Shylock trusted Antonio with his money and Antonio promised to pay him back. But then Shylock heard rumors from the people in venice talking about how Antonio won't pay him back because some thing bad happen to Antonio.

People in the word will have to have second thoughts or have to think over time to trust a person by what other people say about them. Just like Shylock because no body trusted him to do business with him because he is a Jewish person and everyone in Venice is a christian. But others will trust but then hear rumors and will break there trust with other people. In the book Shylock trusted Antonio but then heard rumors about Antonio and Shylock won't trust Antonio again. Decision by others can break a trust between a another person.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Merchant Of Venice Quiz Act 1 Scene 1&2

Act 1 Scene I & II
1) The setting is in Venice, Italy. The people in this story are rich. In the 16th century
2) Antonio is a man who is sad and doesn't know why and worries about getting pay back from Bassaino and that he invested the ship at the sea.
3) Bassaino asked Antiono for a loan because Bassaino can feel rich for Portia.
4)Portia wants to die as a virgin and tells her maid to choose the wrong casket.

Act 1 Scene III
  1. Revisiting the Portia situation, why is the choosing of a man suitable for her out of her hands. Portia is not choosing a man to marry because it is in her fathers will.
  1. Who is Shylock? What is his importance in the story thus far? Shylock is a man who is helping Bassaino with a loan to impress Portia
  1. What is the agreement Shylock and Antonio come to terms with? 
  2. Returning the money back to Shylock in 3 months 

  1. Why is Shylock so hesistant of this agreement with Antonio? While answering this question you should also explain their history and relationship between each other
  2. He doesn't put interest and they don't like each other.

  1. Would you trust Antonio? Why or why not.
  2. yes because he is willing to cut off parts of his body if he doesn't pay shylock back.

Reflection question: Many times people say friends don't make good business partners, or you should never live with your best friends. Why do you think this is so? Is it smart that Antonio and Shylock are doing business together?

When you work with your friends you will make exceptions for them. And it is smart that shylock and Antonio are doing business together because they don't like each other.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mental Retardation 2 Paragraph

Mental retardation is a developmental disability that first appears in children under the age of 18. Includes below average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living. Intelligence level as determined by individuals is below 70 and the ability to adapt the demands of normal life is impaired. It is important because people who is diagnosis of Mental Retardation with low IQ scores who are able to adapt to demands of everyday life. Some symptoms are having difficult thinking and understanding. Also include infant-like behavior throughout the patient’s life, and those with profound mental retardation (i.e., IQs of 19 or below) are likely to have limited motor and communication skills and require lifelong nursing care. Education and access are at the heart of many prevention measures. For example, education about the prevention of HIV/AIDS can be effective with all adolescents, including those with mental retardation.

      Mental Retardation is a condition diagnosed before the age 18 , usually infancy of prior to birth, that 

includes below average work. Mental retardation is a developmental disability for children. Defined 

as an intellectual function level that is below average and significant limitations in daily living skills. 

Low IQ scores and limitations in adaptive skills are the hall marks of mental retardation. Children 

who are mentally retarded reach developmental milestones significant later than expected, if at all. 

%5 of mental retardation is caused by hereditary factors.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Of Mice And Men Vocabulary


Rocky Ramones & Javon Monico
  • "The sycamore limbs rustled under a little wind that died down immediately" pg 7 

  • An American Plane Tree

  • Sycamore is a american tree that's plane

  • Lumberjacks cut down a lot of sycamore in the woods.


  • "Lennie's eyes were frightened. "I Don't want no trouble," he said plaintively." Pg # 41

  • Plaintive- is an adjective for describing someone or something with a pleading, sorrowful, desperate tone. 

  •  Plaintive describes how a person says something, 

  •  I said plaintively, why did my house catch on fire!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Metaphor Rough Draft

Climbing and swinging on trees
Looking for a bunch of bananas
To Eat
They are super loud 
Because they are really 

They are vey Adventurous 
Because they like to explore
What's out there in the World
But Sometimes they get hurt
Because they don't think before they do

They are really Annoying 
Because they want
It cause they are very
To have a lot of fun

But even though they have all
Fun and Games
They can be very scary 
Because they are protective 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Coney Island Life Poem Essay

A Coney Island Life Essay

Life can be depressing when your hopes fly away from you but you can always try to live your life to the fullest. Life is depressing because there are going to be some bad times and some good times in your life. “A Coney Island Life” by James L. Weil is a poem that states that one doesn’t have a lot of time on earth so spend it wisely.

The poem states that to use your life time wisely. James L Weil states that he “lived a Coney Island Life”, “on roller coaster ups and downs”. James L Weil says that he lived a coney island life because he compares life’s opportunities to popular attractions at amusement parks. James L Weil compares his life to a roller coaster he means that he had a lot of ups and downs in his life just like a roller coaster. also means that you will encounter unsteady roads, but all will be over when you finally come to a stop.

This poem use amusement park rides as a comparison to living life to fullest before it’s gone. He says that “I take perhaps my last ride” which means he doesn’t know everything he could accomplish before his time is up. James is comparing to a park because some parks have limited amount of time before it’s gone. James also states ‘how many more times round I have to catch that brass-ring-sun before the game is up”. James means that you won’t realize how much time you have wasted. Also there is a lot of things you want to achieve each day.

James L. Weil uses coney island like his life to tell the reader that to not waste time but use it wisely. Also he telling the readers to live everyday a little more risky with the that there might not always be a tomorrow. “A Coney Island Life” by James L. Weil is a poem that states that one doesn’t have a lot of time on earth so spend it wisely.