Friday, May 5, 2017

Macbeth Final Essay

Thesis: Macbeth by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.

People in the world would do bad things or something that is wrong like murder, abuse, or stealing for something that they want. Even though they know that it is wrong they don’t think that it was really bad until they have guilt about it. The book Macbeth is about how Macbeth who was known as a war hero and someone that people look up, did something wrong like murder for something that he wanted to be like King. Macbeth a book written by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.

Macbeth was once nothing in royalty and never thought about being King because he rather just beat the best at battle. But it all changed when Macbeth and Banquo who returned from a battle and they see the witches and Macbeth ask who they are and the 3 witches responds praising him by telling him "All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!

All Hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!
All hail, Macbeth! that shalt be king hereafter." (1.3.48-50). This was the first stepped how Macbeth got tempted to get what he wants.

  The second reason how Macbeth got tempted to do things that he wanted even when wrong was when Macbeth got invited to King Duncan castle where he got reward to be the Thanes of Glamis and Cawdor. Macbeth wrote a letter to his wife Lady Macbeth were she wanted to throw a celebration for what Macbeth got and wanted to invite King Duncan and other people. But when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were talking Lady Macbeth had a plan were she said "Shall sun that morrow see!" (1.5.60) where she had a plan for Macbeth was to kill King Duncan and make it seem like the guards did it and make Macbeth become king. This is how Macbeth got more tempted to do something wrong for something they want.

Lastly how Macbeth got tempted to do something bad for something he wanted was when he was murder they put it on the guards and make him seem so innocent. The next morning Macduff finds the King died and everyone comes and is in shock. After everyone sees king Duncan dead his 2 son Malcolm and Donalbain run away because they feel like they are targets next. Since his 2 son left the next person who was King was Macbeth and so after Macbeth becomes King but he knows that he hasn't accomplish being the King by earning to be King he knows that he got to become king the easiest way.

Everyone has a goal that they want to reach, some might be to be king or to be someone famous but it is how you overcome and achieve your goal. Macbeth never reached his goal because he was easily tempted by witches and his wife Lady Macbeth to reach what he wanted. Macbeth a book written by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.

Monday, May 1, 2017


1) Bow Down And Kneel 
2) Be Grateful
3) Be War Ready
4) Everyone Eats
5) Respect
6) Everyone Is 1 Hammah
7)Have Fun
8) Everyone Can trade jobs
9)Everyone has a job
10)Everyone got the keys to SUCCESS


HAMMAH HUNTERS: Javon, Cj, Kaylee, Zak
HAMMAH FARMERS: Rhysa, Kale, Kelci, Lina, Britney
HAMMAH BUILDERS: Dogun, Angela, Coby, Chaysen, Aaron, Kaela

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Macbeth Rough Draft

Thesis: Macbeth by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.

People in the world would do bad things or something that is wrong like murder, abuse, or stealing for something that they want. Even though they know that it is wrong they don’t think that it was really bad until they have guilt about it. Macbeth a book written by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong because Macbeth didn't something wrong for what he wanted and had guilt for the rest of his life.

Macbeth was a war hero and a nice person to people in the book but it started all when 3 witches told him that he will become king. The 3 witches meet Macbeth and was praising him until the 3rd witches said to Macbeth “All hail, Macbeth! You’ll be king one day!” (1.3.50). But there was someone who was so obsessed with Macbeth which was King Duncan which had invented him to his castle. King Duncan gave Macbeth the Thane of Glamis and the Thane of Cawdor.  When Macbeth got to be the Thanes of Glamis and Cawdor he wrote a letter to his wife. When the wife got the letter Lady Macbeth she told Macbeth to bring King Duncan to his castle so they could celebrate. But even though Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor she wanted him to be king so she can benefits when Macbeth is king so she planned how she was going to make Macbeth king but it was doing something really bad. When Macbeth, Lady Macbeth asked when King Duncan is coming and going and when Macbeth tells her that he will be leaving the next day she replies “He’ll never see tomorrow’s sun!” (1.5.60) which means that they are going to kill him at night. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that she has a plan to kill him when he is sleeping and will put the evidence on the guards. Night comes and everyone is asleep besides Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to go kill the king but Macbeth doesn’t want to do it so Lady Macbeth is calling him a coward but then Macbeth does it because he is so scared he doesn’t know what to do after he murder and the Lady Macbeth was teling put the evidence on the guards and go wash your hands to get all the blood off. The next morning Macduff finds King Duncan dead and when he finds out he says “ O horror! Horror! Horror! Tongue, nor heart, Cannot conceive nor name thee!” (2.3.64-65). After Macduff says that everyone comes to the room and see the King dead. When lady Macbeth come see faints to act like she is surprised so they don’t think it her or Macbeth that murder King Duncan. After that King Duncan kids Malcolm and Donalbain leave and run away because they feel like they are next to be murder so they run away which where Macbeth becomes King but he still feels guilty. But Banquo come and says that his son was next up in line to be king so Macbeth wants to kill Banquo because he feels like he is knows that Macbeth kills King Duncan so Macbeth gets 3 murder to kill Banquo and his son but the son got away. Ever since Macbeth killed King Duncan he feels like more people know that it was him so he decides to kill more people. Macbeth was losing his mind so was Lady Macbeth because she just changed after she became queen. She decided to kill herself. Macbeth decides to kill Macduff’s family because Macbeth thinks Macduff knows about Macbeth murdering king Duncan. So Macduff and Malcolm meet and they talk about how they could settle this and make Malcolm king and tells Macduff to pursue Macduff to kill Macbeth. Macbeth and Macduff fight and Macduff comes back with Macbeth's head on his pole.

Goal setting is in everyone but it's how you can reach your goal. Macbeth cheated his way up to be king while he could of waited and King Duncan could of gave him to be king instead of the sons. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Macbeth Act II Review

Act II quiz:
1. In your opinion, is Lady Macbeth a cold-blooded murderer? Why or why not?
Yes Lady Macbeth is a cold blooded murder because she always wanted to kill the king because she wants to be in power. Also she framed the guards with the murder.
2. Lady Macbeth has her own antics throughout the play. Why does Lady Macbeth faint in Act II? Does it serve its purpose? Explain.
Lady Macbeth faints in Act II to make everyone think that she shock about what happened but she was the one who did the murder.
3. How does Macbeth's attitude toward Duncan change after the murder?
Macbeth attitudes changed toward Duncan's murder because he knows that he did and felt like he betrayed one of his friends. Lady Macbeth still think he is a coward.
4. If so pressuring on Macbeth, why didn't Lady Macbeth kill the king instead of Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth couldn’t kill the king because she already told Macbeth about why she couldn’t kill him and Macbeth is a war hero so he wouldn’t be a suspect when they are investing who murder the king.
5. Now that Macbeth has killed the king, do you think he must do anything else to reign as king? Explain your answer.
I don’t think he has to do anything to become King because after King Duncan's murder the sons left and other people left and they agreed that Macbeth was right to be the next king.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Macbeth Anticipation Guide

Directions: This is an individual assignment. Read the following statements. Write if you agree or disagree.  Write two sentences AND a personal experience to support your thoughts about each statement. There are no right or wrong answers! Post your answers as a post on your own website/blog and title it Macbeth Anticipation Guide.

1.     Behind every great man is a great woman (every great man is supported, guided, helped and even pushed by a great woman). Yes because you are born from your mom and  if your mom was a good person then you are going to be a good person

2.     Witches, demons, and evil spirits actually exist.
No because it is seem that it is true about it

3.     Sometimes it is necessary to do something wrong to get what you want.
yes it is necessary to do something wrong to get what you want because sometimes it might be something really bad and you won't feel guilty.

4.     What goes around comes around (karma).
No because i did something wrong to this person and nothing ever happen to me after what I did to that person.

5.     Human beings are easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.

Yes because people fell in love with cool things. they always want the newest thing no matter how they get it they just want it.

6.     If someone feels that the ruler/s of his/her country is destroying the country, that person should try to overthrow the ruler/s.

I disagree because the people that try to overthrow won't succeed because the ruler would have more power and can overpower that person.

7.     There are circumstances or events that justify murdering someone.

It could be for self defense and they are trying to protect themselves or others because they feel threatened. defense because he was being attacked for no reason.

8.     Success is worth any price you have to pay.

I believe that success does not come easily. You have to work for the keys to get success and it's something that is not just given to you.

9.     Kings are appointed by God, and they rule as His representatives on Earth.

No because kings are appointed through a certain process either by being a blood relative or by overthrowing another king. God is not that can be overthrown and he has the whole power.

10.  Your astrological forecast (your horoscope) is a good indicator of how your day will go.

Horoscopes are very unclear and uncertain. Horoscopes often doesn't confirm what that person should be feeling.

11.  Traitors should be executed.

Yes traitors should be executed because they would not be forgiven for what they did. People should never be a traitor and they know it will always be wrong to do.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Partner Macbeth Pre-Discussio

Once you are done with first anticipation discussion, with a partner look at the following questions and answer them together. Your answers need to be in complete sentences and you need to provide what you and your partner discussed. PROVIDE AT LEAST A PARAGRAPH PER ANSWER. Please list who your partner is. Each person needs to be post on their own website/blog to recieve credit. Title the post "Partner Macbeth Pre-Discussion (names)"

  1. Is evil ingrained in human nature? That is, are some people just “born evil,” or is evil caused by circumstance or environment? They were circumstance to be evil because they can be pressured in to doing it and be so innocent. They can be like a nice person but hang with the wrong person
  2. Are our lives determined by fate, or by the acts of our free will? Act of free will because they do what they want to do because they have there own freedom to live their own lives
  3. Is redemption truly possible? That is, is it possible to commit an act of genuine evil and truly recover from it?  No because you can't get redemption because the person may never forgive you for what you did.
  4. Is it possible to admire or respect a person whom you know has committed acts of genuine evil? Yes because for example like a Gang people respect the high person because of what he did to become the top person.
  5. Do “the ends justify the means”? That is, if one uses morally evil methods to acquire a goal, is that goal forever tainted or polluted by the actions one has taken to achieve it?  No because people want to have they feeling of success and their hard work instead of just trying ticket to get to the highest point.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Write 2 thesis statements for which you could write well-supported literary analysis essays. Remember when analyzing the literature we are always trying to determine the meaning of the literature. It is not a summary or you repeating what is already known. So in the thesis you need to tell us something that you can prove through evidence from the book. You need to write two thesis statements based off these literary elements:

Theme: The holocaust is based on selection because they only chose people who could work and killed the people who couldn't like children, babies, and elders.

Character : Elie Wiesel taught us from in the book "Night" that no matter how much time you struggle you can always fight through it to be successful

2. Quote collection: Select at least 4 quotes for a and 4 quotes for b that you think help support each thesis.

“The SS had flown into a rage and was striking my father on the head: "Be quiet, old man! Be quiet!"

“The thousand who had died daily at Auschwitz and at Birkenau in the crematory ovens no longer troubled me”

His cold eyes stared at me. At last, he said wearily: "I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people”

“I told him that I did not believe that they could burn people in our age, that humanity would never tolerate it”

“ And he  began to beat him down with an iron bar. At first my father crouched under the blows, then he broke into two, like a dry tree struck by lightning, and collapsed”

“ I witness others hanging. I never saw a single one of the victims weep. For a long time those dried-up bodies had forgotten the bitter the bitter taste of tears”

“He was lying on a plank; livid, his lips pale and dried up,shaken by tremors. I could not stay by him for long".

“ There were no prayers at his grave . No candles were lit to his memory. His Last word was my name. A summons, to which i did not respond”.

Friday, February 10, 2017


The Nazi was made from the ruler of germany Adolf Hitler. From it states that  “the group promoted German pride and anti-Semitism, and expressed dissatisfaction with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the 1919 peace settlement that ended World War I. Hitler joined the party the year it was founded and became its leader in 1921. In 1933, he became chancellor of Germany and his Nazi government soon assumed dictatorial powers. After Germany’s defeat in World War II’. Also from it tells us that “The Nazis presented themselves as a new political option for the beleaguered and economically desperate German people. There was little new about Hitler and the Nazis, however. Most of their obsessions – state power, authoritarian rule, fanatical nationalism, social Darwinism, racial purity and military rearmament leading to war – were ideas of the past, not the future”.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Allusion Poem

I am a tall basketball who loves the game and his family.

I am a person who loves basketball so much I have offers to big

schools and even can even make it to the NBA.

I lead my team to victory and will always have a good time with my friends

I am a person when I was young my dad would push me to be the best

and play him 1 on 1 and every time he would beat me and I would

always get mad and throw the ball and get all mad. I am a big deal to

the school I go to and the school i am going to next.

Beyond all of that I am a person who will fight for my family and

protect my friends. I am friendly, lovable, and  everyone cares about

Me. I am one one of the biggest people in basketball even the pros are

talking about me.  I am named after a pro basketball player but who

mostly known for when he played street ball and got his nickname to

be so special.

Challenging my dad after a long time he taught the basketball is more

than a sport because it teaches you more about life. Basketball will

always teach me in life because it will help me how to control myself

like how i do on the court. I knew he always loved me and even though

he made a mistake I would choose the right thing that was for me and

for him.

Monday, January 23, 2017


"One Thing" -One Direction

The allusion in the song is the line,"Shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite, you keep making me weak yeah frozen and can't speak." The allusion is Superman and like Superman, he was shot out of the sky be her love just like superman was with kryptonite.

"Rude" -Magic

The entire song talks about how the dad does not approve of the daughters boyfriend. He doesn't allow the guy to marry his daughter because he doesn't believe that he is good enough for her. The guy constantly tries to impress the guy but the dad still does not approve. This is an allusion to the story of Romeo and Juliet. Their love was forbidden because both families did not like each other. Even though they weren't allowed to marry, they still loved each other. Just like the song, even though the dad did not approve of the guy, they still loved each other no matter what.