Thesis: Macbeth by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.
People in the world would do bad things or something that is wrong like murder, abuse, or stealing for something that they want. Even though they know that it is wrong they don’t think that it was really bad until they have guilt about it. Macbeth a book written by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong because Macbeth didn't something wrong for what he wanted and had guilt for the rest of his life.
Macbeth was a war hero and a nice person to people in the book but it started all when 3 witches told him that he will become king. The 3 witches meet Macbeth and was praising him until the 3rd witches said to Macbeth “All hail, Macbeth! You’ll be king one day!” (1.3.50). But there was someone who was so obsessed with Macbeth which was King Duncan which had invented him to his castle. King Duncan gave Macbeth the Thane of Glamis and the Thane of Cawdor. When Macbeth got to be the Thanes of Glamis and Cawdor he wrote a letter to his wife. When the wife got the letter Lady Macbeth she told Macbeth to bring King Duncan to his castle so they could celebrate. But even though Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor she wanted him to be king so she can benefits when Macbeth is king so she planned how she was going to make Macbeth king but it was doing something really bad. When Macbeth, Lady Macbeth asked when King Duncan is coming and going and when Macbeth tells her that he will be leaving the next day she replies “He’ll never see tomorrow’s sun!” (1.5.60) which means that they are going to kill him at night. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that she has a plan to kill him when he is sleeping and will put the evidence on the guards. Night comes and everyone is asleep besides Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to go kill the king but Macbeth doesn’t want to do it so Lady Macbeth is calling him a coward but then Macbeth does it because he is so scared he doesn’t know what to do after he murder and the Lady Macbeth was teling put the evidence on the guards and go wash your hands to get all the blood off. The next morning Macduff finds King Duncan dead and when he finds out he says “ O horror! Horror! Horror! Tongue, nor heart, Cannot conceive nor name thee!” (2.3.64-65). After Macduff says that everyone comes to the room and see the King dead. When lady Macbeth come see faints to act like she is surprised so they don’t think it her or Macbeth that murder King Duncan. After that King Duncan kids Malcolm and Donalbain leave and run away because they feel like they are next to be murder so they run away which where Macbeth becomes King but he still feels guilty. But Banquo come and says that his son was next up in line to be king so Macbeth wants to kill Banquo because he feels like he is knows that Macbeth kills King Duncan so Macbeth gets 3 murder to kill Banquo and his son but the son got away. Ever since Macbeth killed King Duncan he feels like more people know that it was him so he decides to kill more people. Macbeth was losing his mind so was Lady Macbeth because she just changed after she became queen. She decided to kill herself. Macbeth decides to kill Macduff’s family because Macbeth thinks Macduff knows about Macbeth murdering king Duncan. So Macduff and Malcolm meet and they talk about how they could settle this and make Malcolm king and tells Macduff to pursue Macduff to kill Macbeth. Macbeth and Macduff fight and Macduff comes back with Macbeth's head on his pole.
Goal setting is in everyone but it's how you can reach your goal. Macbeth cheated his way up to be king while he could of waited and King Duncan could of gave him to be king instead of the sons. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is an example of humans being easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.